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Home Energy Monitor Series – Internet of Things

IoT Energy Series Header Image showing home energy gateway and monitor services

Recently I started an Internet of Things series on my experiences installing, using and analysing data from a smart electrical meter.  This included a BC Hydro smart meter, Eagle monitoring gateway from rainforest automation, and a cloud-based analytics service from Bidgely. I’ve collated all the posts on the topic for you below.  More will be […]

IoT Day 4: Bidgely Cloud Energy Monitor Dashboard

Bidgely Energy Monitor - Appliance Breakdown

After a week of collecting smart meter readings, I’m now ready to show results in a cloud-based energy monitor system – Bidgely – complete with graphs showing readings, cost and machine learning results breaking down my usage by appliance. This is part 4 of a series of posts about the Internet of Things applied to Home Energy […]

IoT Day 3: Viewing data on the Eagle Energy Monitor

Eagle energy monitor data download as CSV file

The Eagle energy monitor from Rainforest Automation is a very handy device.  It reads the wireless signal from my electricity meter and makes it available through a web interface – both a graphical environment and a RESTful API.  In this post we look at the standard graphical screens and the data download option. Next time […]

Plug-In Solar: Moveable Solar Power For Renters and Do-It-Yourselfers

Plug-In Solar: Moveable Solar Power For Renters and Do-It-Yourselfers

via Green Building Elements | From brick and mortar shops to city planning, we cover sustainable trends in construction, renovation, and more.. This definitely sounds promising, anyone have experience running a similar setup? A small company, SpinRay Energy, has announced the production of a new UL listed, grid-tied solar power system that couldn’t be easier to […]

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