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IoT Day 3: Viewing data on the Eagle Energy Monitor

Eagle energy monitor data download as CSV file

The Eagle energy monitor from Rainforest Automation is a very handy device.  It reads the wireless signal from my electricity meter and makes it available through a web interface – both a graphical environment and a RESTful API.  In this post we look at the standard graphical screens and the data download option. Next time […]

Plug-In Solar: Moveable Solar Power For Renters and Do-It-Yourselfers

Plug-In Solar: Moveable Solar Power For Renters and Do-It-Yourselfers

via Green Building Elements | From brick and mortar shops to city planning, we cover sustainable trends in construction, renovation, and more.. This definitely sounds promising, anyone have experience running a similar setup? A small company, SpinRay Energy, has announced the production of a new UL listed, grid-tied solar power system that couldn’t be easier to […]

IoT Day 2: Cloud Services for Energy Monitoring

Bidgely Appliance Detective Mode

Energy monitoring isn’t only about knowing what’s happening right now, but also understanding what happened historically.  Often that includes knowing not just what was happening but also when and why.  Enter cloud services for energy monitoring.  They range from simple charts and graphs to predicting your usage over time – essentially storing, analysing and enriching your […]

Data Sharing Saved My Life – or How an Insurer Reduced My Healthcare Claim Costs

Wellness FX chart of ALT

It’s not every day that you receive snail mail with life-changing information in it, but when it does come, it can come from the unlikeliest sources. A year ago, when doing a simple change of health insurance vendors, I had to give the requisite blood sample.  I knew the drill… nurse comes to the house, takes blood, […]

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