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Data Sharing Saved My Life – or How an Insurer Reduced My Healthcare Claim Costs

Wellness FX chart of ALT

It’s not every day that you receive snail mail with life-changing information in it, but when it does come, it can come from the unlikeliest sources. A year ago, when doing a simple change of health insurance vendors, I had to give the requisite blood sample.  I knew the drill… nurse comes to the house, takes blood, […]

Running Gephi graph vizualization on OSX Mavericks (10.9.5)

Gephi visualization running on OSX

Having trouble launching latest Gephi on OSX?  I’m running Mavericks but I’m sure this will help others who have upgraded or who are still running older versions of OSX. From command line, use the jdkhome parameter when launching Gephi and point it to the system Java 1.6 install: $ cd /Applications/ $ ./Gephi –jdkhome /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/  

From zero to HDFS in 60 min.

(Okay, so you can be up and running quicker if you have a better internet connection than me.) Want to get your hands dirty with Hadoop related technologies but don’t have time to waste?  I’ve spent way too much time trying to get HBase, for example, running on my Macbook with Brew and wish I had […]

JDBC syntax for Matrix/Paraccel Driver

Need to “Perform Big Data Analytics at Massive Scale?”  The Actian Analytics Platform includes the Matrix high performance analytics database (formerly known as Paraccel). I’ve seen some people asking online for what JDBC URL syntax is.  If you are using the JDBC driver be sure to read the README which gives the details: The driver recognises JDBC […]