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Zeppelin Notebook Tutorial Walkthrough

This is my short video (14 min) showing how to build and launch the Apache Zeppelin notebook platform – a web UI for interactive query and analysis.  This is all done running locally via OSX on a Macbook. In this video we focus on using the tutorial notebook that comes with Zeppelin and discuss each step – including interactive querying and charting – […]

IoT Day 4: Bidgely Cloud Energy Monitor Dashboard

Bidgely Energy Monitor - Appliance Breakdown

After a week of collecting smart meter readings, I’m now ready to show results in a cloud-based energy monitor system – Bidgely – complete with graphs showing readings, cost and machine learning results breaking down my usage by appliance. This is part 4 of a series of posts about the Internet of Things applied to Home Energy […]

IoT Day 3: Viewing data on the Eagle Energy Monitor

Eagle energy monitor data download as CSV file

The Eagle energy monitor from Rainforest Automation is a very handy device.  It reads the wireless signal from my electricity meter and makes it available through a web interface – both a graphical environment and a RESTful API.  In this post we look at the standard graphical screens and the data download option. Next time […]

IoT Day 2: Cloud Services for Energy Monitoring

Bidgely Appliance Detective Mode

Energy monitoring isn’t only about knowing what’s happening right now, but also understanding what happened historically.  Often that includes knowing not just what was happening but also when and why.  Enter cloud services for energy monitoring.  They range from simple charts and graphs to predicting your usage over time – essentially storing, analysing and enriching your […]

Running Gephi graph vizualization on OSX Mavericks (10.9.5)

Gephi visualization running on OSX

Having trouble launching latest Gephi on OSX?  I’m running Mavericks but I’m sure this will help others who have upgraded or who are still running older versions of OSX. From command line, use the jdkhome parameter when launching Gephi and point it to the system Java 1.6 install: $ cd /Applications/ $ ./Gephi –jdkhome /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/